Historic New Mt.ZionMissionary
Baptist Church - Celebrating Our
100th Anniversary 1919-2019
Rev. Dr. Jimmie T. Wafer, Pastor
You are welcome to contribute financially through Tithe.ly by loading the mobile app and setting up an Tithe.ly account and password. Once you have the account setup you can add the amount you want to send to the church. A record of your giving is added to your account for your personal records. With Tithe.ly you can give on the go. Tithe.ly will send an email to you thanking you for your donation.
God Bless You and Thank you for your generosity.
New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
2201 Elmhurst St Detroit MI 48206 us
Phone: 1 313 868-7240
Email: newmtzion1919@comcast.net